Ink On Fingertip...
... yes that is what I have tonight. And that happened when I got frustrated with my self once again for not getting in the mood for drawing. So I simply felt like making a mess... Of course that is also what the picture turned out to be... a messy picture that I will never show. But it did fur fill it's purpose because after that I managed to make a few sketches and even one digital speed paint. They may not be that good but then again they are just sketches...
- This fist one is a thumbnail sketch I did very quickly because I felt in the mood of making a acrylic painting (but on this I used coloured pencils), but then I lost the inspiration for it. She is suppose to be offering her heart to the viewer... I have made other sketches like this before but I don't think I have made a finished picture so far.
I want to paint with acrylics but I always have a lot of trouble choosing colours so I often end up not doing it at all. For this I had though that I only would use shades of red, yellow and orange but I'm not sure jet. And besides I might think of a better motive before taking out the pallet. - This is also a thumbnail sketch that I made with a purple/pinkish felt marker... I really don't know what this is but I started on the head and the things growing out of it is suppose to be trees. It's strange... but I like it.
- The third one is also something that just happened. I was drawing lines with my pencil and I fell for the hair (as I usually do). I was going to make a jacket with a fur like collar but I didn't know how the jacket should look, (and I got lazy), so this is is what I made. The darker parts have been made with a black ballpoint pen.
Ok... so here comes something with a very silly smile... and I don't know if that is some sort of dance or if he (or she) is trying to steel the nut from the squirrel. I tried to make a background for this... yay for me! ;)
- Well the one bellow is actually probably going to be a finished drawing later on (if I don't get side tracked). Happy rain... of course I will draw the rain in the finished version don't you worry. So far I have use a pencil to draw the sketch and then use my brush pen to make the line art. Don't know if I should colour it in traditional media or in photoshop. Hmm... I guess I could do both... we'll see.
- So the last one is a little speed-painting that I did after resizing all the other pictures above. It's been a long time since I painted anything in photoshop and I realised how much I missed it...
This was going to be the logo for this blog but it didn't work out as I planed and I kept on adding things to it so in the end I decided to just put it in today's sketch-blog.

Really nice and really like the logo thing too! :)