Fairs over...

Now the Christmas fairs are over and I like to thank all of you that have found your way here because of them! Tack ska ni ha! :)

As usual I forgot to take out the camera at the fairs but here is one of the angelgnomes I made for the fairs. This i Ellinor!

I don't think I have mention this before but I actually have another blog together with my mum Yvonne, Spiksborgs Art & Design ! We only write in swedish there but feel free to have a look.

I know that I am a bad bloger but I would like to change that but having something interesting to tell is always difficult so any suggestions or questions are more then welcome to help me improve.

There are some plans going on behind the screen and hopefully they will be happening soon so keep on checking in for updates!

Nu har jag skrivit på engelska ett tag här i bloggen men om önskemål finns så kan jag börja skriva på båda språken. Eller så besöker ni mammas och min lilla sida. ;)

Thanks for looking!


  1. Hello Annika
    Welcome back, i was very happy to see that you didn't disappear...
    I hope that the fairs went very well.
    love the new picture at the blog..


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